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Settlement Trackers

We’ve compiled the most relevant and high-quality settlement trackers in one convenient location.

What are trackers?

Trackers are tools designed to monitor and display detailed information about the allocation and usage of settlement funds. They provide insights into how much money states are receiving, how funds are being spent, and the composition of decision-making councils. These trackers help ensure transparency and accountability in the distribution and use of settlement funds.

Type of TrackerSummaryOwnerLink
Funds, Spending Plans, ExpendituresA popular and trusted resource. A comprehensive tracker for national and state settlement sums, spending plans, expenditure reports, grant opportunities, and providing guidance on fund usage.Christine Minhee, J.D., OpioidSettlementTracker.comOpen
Fund ExpendituresThis database contains thousands of examples of how state and local governments spent or committed their opioid settlement funds in 2022 and 2023, as reported in public documents.KFF Health News, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, ShatterproofOpen
FundsA tracker for settlement funds, detailing payouts by stateKFF Health NewsOpen
State Decision-Making Council Composition39 states have councils that determine where money gets spent. Is your state council made primarily of government officials, law enforcement, or health providers? Find out here.KFF Health NewsOpen
Funds, Spending PlansSee North Carolina's payment schedule by fiscal year, spending plans, and more.CORE-NCOpen
Settlement ParticipationCheck if your state is participating in a settlement from a specific corporation.Plaintiffs' Executive CommitteeOpen
Spending Plans, Administrative ApproachesSee how states are planning to spend their settlement funds, as well as how they are setting up their decision-making processes.National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP)Open
GrantsFind out how states' are setting up their grants and funding opportunities.

Also found within our 'Grant Help & Funding Opportunities' page
Christine Minhee, J.D., of OpioidSettlementTracker.com, and Legal Action Center (LAC) Open
Spending PlansSee how funds are being managed and spent by the 13 states of AppalachiaCommunity Education GroupOpen