What made you choose a career path in healthcare?
Healthcare has always been of interest to me because of its impact on creating or limiting barriers towards people’s life goals. I don’t believe good health is the ultimate life goal, simply a vehicle to achieve other important aspects personal to the individual. I also chose healthcare as a field because I learned early on that selecting a career path in a global industry with specialized experience yields better results, on average. I find the combination of purpose and ROI particularly compelling.
What was the biggest challenge while getting your MBA at UNC Kenan-Flagler? Biggest reward?
The biggest challenge while earning my MBA was limiting the course education to survey approaches. Every class is an entire profession, in and of itself, so snapshots of new and relevant content were only a fraction of the understanding in totality. The biggest reward was leaving with a better understanding of strengths areas to double down and grow, while being cognizant of weaknesses, yet still knowing enough to be dangerous. The program prepared me to take on more leadership opportunities and equipped me with the confidence to succeed.
What is the most important skill you have developed in your career?
The most valuable skill I’ve developed in the course of my career is a better understanding of human behavior, responding to it in the environment, and how to meet people where they are. It’s an important factor in compassionate leadership and can continually be refined. Your team, stakeholders, and customers can all grow as a result.
What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
Discover what you’re inherently best at and drive relentlessly towards it. Knowledge is never saturated and there is always room for growth if you’re strategic, innovative, and intentional. If you are considering pursuing a career in healthcare, take solace in the fact it is a sustainable and evolving industry in need of passionate and brilliant talent.
How do you define success?
Success, in my eyes, is to lead a life true to myself and my core values.
Who inspires you?
I’m inspired by the courage of everyday people (past and present) who do hard things. I’m inspired by people who are visionary and convicted in their ability to forge the path. I’m inspired by people who teach me new things about myself.
What is something about you that not many people know?
People likely don’t know, and I only recently learned during a Reflected Best Self exercise, that I am happiest when I am surprising others. I genuinely am fulfilled when I can evoke unexpected excitement and joy on people’s faces. Surprise!