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Hailey Patel

MBA 2025

You were selected as the MBA Healthcare Club President for the coming year. What are you most looking forward to this year, and what is your main goal for the club during your term as president?
I’m thrilled about the events we have planned, especially the “Behind the Scenes” insights from our 2nd-year students’ summer experiences. My main goal is to strengthen our connections within the UNC community and beyond. I can’t wait to work with the Healthcare Club Board to fulfill our mission and vision for the club and create an inclusive, supportive, and fun MBA experience for all of our members.

What made you select UNC Kenan-Flagler for your MBA?
I’ve lived in North Carolina for the past seven years and have seen how well UNC is integrated into our community. The school’s robust healthcare system and its integration into the business program really attracted me. I wanted to be part of the Carolina community and experience its unique blend of healthcare and business education firsthand.

What has been your most memorable experience during your time at Carolina so far?
The Healthcare Global Immersion Elective (GIE) in Japan and Thailand gave me in-depth insights into the healthcare systems of both countries and the opportunity to interact with numbers life-science companies. Beyond that, I visited amazing places, enjoyed delicious food, and made lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories.

What made you decide to pursue a career in healthcare?
My love for biomolecular science initially drew me to the pharmaceuticals industry, mainly on the research and development side, but I realized I wanted to see the direct impact of my work on patients’ lives. This led me to pursue an MBA to transition to the commercial side of pharma, where I can be closer to the patients who benefit from our work.

Tell us about something you learned or discovered during the first year of the program that surprised you. How do you think you will apply it professionally?
I’ve come to realize the importance of effective networking. It’s crucial to genuinely connect with someone during a casual coffee chat rather than always having a formal, interview-like conversation. This eventually helped me a lot during my internship, allowing me to gain a deeper understanding of the organization and develop strong relationships.

Do you have any advice for incoming students?
Don’t be afraid to voice your thoughts in class, explore new opportunities, and make the most of your MBA experience. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed but avoid over-committing. Instead, participate in activities that genuinely excite and interest you, broadening your perspective. Above all, remember you’re not alone in this journey.

What are the top two items on your bucket list?
Snorkel in Silfra Fissure and learn how to ski!

Any special personal interests or hobbies you’d like to share?
I love salsa dancing, though I’m still at the intermediate stage and occasionally step on other’s toes.