HHS has rescinded the Richardson Waiver, limiting public input on grants, contracts, and more. While aimed at efficiency, the change raises concerns about transparency and accountability in healthcare policymaking.
A brief overview of the physician and nursing U.S. workforces. Workforce trends, projected shortages, challenges, and potential changes.
Join us as we explore critical healthcare workforce issues over the next year through our commentaries, expert insights, and other programming!
CBOH's Markus Saba, along with Kenan-Flagler Business School students, Tanya Aggarwal, Ashwin Ramanathan, and Stewart Spanbauer, have co-authored an article exploring Medicare Part D drug prices under the IRA.
As we conclude our years-long exploration of pricing in healthcare, the central theme of our 2023 Business of Health Conference, we are pleased to present our final output on the topic: a whitepaper that delves into pharmaceutical pricing and innovation. Produced following a Chatham House Rules conference earlier this year, the whitepaper aims to provide general audiences with insights into the complexities of pharmaceutical innovation and pricing, as well as the current realities within our healthcare system related to this critical issue.
A February cyberattack targeting Change Healthcare resulted in the most extensive healthcare data breach to date, raising questions about industrywide risk management and regulation.
As demand grows for the drugs that aid weight loss and reduce cardiovascular risks, the pressing question remains: 'Who will cover the costs?' Here’s a brief overview of the current discourse on this issue.
The EHR revolution has significantly transformed healthcare work and the flow of information, but it hasn't come without costs, measured in increased administrative burden and the accompanying stress for healthcare professionals. Can generative AI help?
CBOH's Joshua Barrett and Audra Rankin were contributing work group members on NCIOM's 2024 nursing workforce recommendations report.
CBOH's Markus Saba, along with UNC School of Medicine and Kenan-Flagler Business School MD/MBA dual degree student Austin Allen, have co-authored an article that offers a comprehensive overview of the current status and future direction of prior authorization.
CBOH Faculty Director, Dr. Bradley Staats, writes in Harvard Business Review how retailers and health systems can improve care together.
As healthcare costs continue to rise, many Americans are looking to artificial intelligence to provide cost-reducing solutions.